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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Guest Posts

NowNext is always open to guest posts. We welcome all of our readers and wellwishers to contribute quality articles that are valuable for the students, professionals, job seekers, entrepreneurs and everyone comes under our spectrum. Here are the terms and conditions to submit your guest post:

  1. Guest articles should be in English or Malayalam languages only.
  2. We will feature the contributor’s name, photo and other details in the author section of the specific article.
  3. Articles should be of good quality with no false information. We don’t publish fake/cooked-up stories on our portals. Our readers trust us!
  4. Our editors reserve full rights to deny or edit the articles on NowNext.
  5. Guest articles should not have any personal promotion, brand advertisements etc. We have a separate window for that.
  6. We do NOT accept:
    • Previously published content, so please submit your own original work.
    • Posts covering topics which already covered on the blog.
    • Posts that do not provide any useful and meaningful insights.
    • Offensive or inaccurate posts.
  7. We strictly follow copyright laws and intellectual property laws. So we only accept contents with zero plagiarized paragraphs.
  8. You can include your one photo and a brief summary about you (no more than 60 words).
  9. You are not allowed to promote and/or advertise any particular product or service. No promotional links (meaning links to your site, your company’s site, or your client’s site) may be included in the article itself. Again, just to make this 100% clear, you may not have any business relationship to any site linked to in the body of your post itself.

If your article meets the above requirements and conditions, send it to our editorial team using this E-Mail ID: akhil[at]nownext.in. The subject line should contain: ‘NowNext Guest Post’. We don’t have a general payment policy for the contributors. But we make sure that the quality work and the writer gets paid. We are ready to arrange a good compensation for the writer if the article makes value to our portal and the readers. Happy writing!!!