Eligible candidates are invited for a walk in interview for the post of 1 Project Fellow for KSCSTE funded project “Genetic Diversity Analysis among cattle genetic groups of Kerala using microsatellite markers” on 23 July, 10 AM at Centre for Advanced Studies in Animal Genetics and Breeding in College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy.
Salary : Rs 22,000 per month
Eligibility : MSc Animal Biotechnology / MSc Bioinformatics MVSc Animal Genetics and Breeding. Those candidates having experience in microsatellite analysis for genetic diversity studies in animals will be given preference.
The applicants should bring the applications in the prescribed format, with a neatly typed bio-data, original and attested copies of certificates and other relevant documents to be produced at the time of interview.
The appointment will be purely on temporary basis for two years or till completion of the project work. For more details http://www.kvasu.ac.in
Contact: 9446162608